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Tips for Starting a Peer Sex Ed Group


Talk to your health center and women’s resource center

They may be able to help develop content of your curricula, provide funding, help arrange logistics, and more!


Reach out to sex ed groups on other campuses (like us!)

You don’t have to start from scratch--there’s already an abundance of resources for campus sex ed groups. 


Start small, then go from there

We started by coming up with five “core” modules, and branching out from there. Once we had the foundations, we got more creative with workshops, such as how to shop for the right sex toy.



The more hands, minds, and hearts working on the project, the better (and easier!) it will be to work efficiently and effectively.


Institutionalize the group

Apply to be a student organization or partner with your student health center. With the support of your college, your group will have better access to resources and can continue to grow even after you graduate. â€‹


Treat your organization like you would a class

Designate a few hours a week to working, organizing, and coordinating. Stick with that plan, as you would with homework or attending lecture.

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