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Sex Positive Education for College Students

Meet SPECS, Midd's peer sex ed student organization.

Let's talk about the stuff you actually want to know.

Our Mission

We want to empower the Middlebury College Community with the knowledge, skills, and resources to make healthy and informed decisions, and to contribute to and participate in an accepting, supportive, and sex positive community.


​Our Philosophy

We believe that sex is a natural part of life and is talked about whether you are engaging in sexual activity or not. We know that people express their sexuality in a variety of different ways. We also believe that it is important to talk about sex and consent (and everything in between) in open and healthy ways that empower individuals to make their own informed decisions.


What's Sex Positive?

We want to make it clear that having sex (and not having sex), and talking about it (and not talking about it) is not shameful. We educate non-judgmentally and inclusively in order to support all forms of sexuality, all sexual identities, and everyone no matter how they express themselves.


Why Here? Why Now?

MiddKids arrive to campus with varying amounts and types of sex ed. We're here to make sure that all students have access to safe, accurate, and nonjudgemental sex ed. We've all got questions, and now there's a place to go for answers. 


How do I get involved with SPECS?

Send us an email, or come find us! We want our sex ed to reflect the diversity of experiences from the inside out. We invite all students to join in any capacity.



Founded in November 2017, SPECS is a student led peer sex ed org at Middlebury College run out of the Health and Wellness Education Department

© 2017 by SPECS

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